Whether you are a Christian or not, the question of who Jesus really is has long been a source of confusion. This book helps students and young adults discover the truth about history's most monumental figure and humanity's opportunity to know Him personally.
The Bible describes Jesus as having two distinct natures—a human nature and a divine nature. Each nature is entirely distinct, and does not merge into each other or interfere with each other.
1. He was a teacher
Throughout the gospels, Jesus taught one-on-one, in small groups, or large groups. He often drew upon stories from everyday life and from current events to teach spiritual lessons.
As a young man, Jesus grew in wisdom and understanding because of his studies in the Scriptures. He also developed a deep love for the truth, which helped him communicate that truth in a way that was understandable to everyone.
His teaching methods are instructive for any teacher today. In particular, he demonstrated a remarkable ability to listen effectively and ask good questions. who is jesus christ
2. He was a healer
Jesus often healed people through words, touch and physical means. This was not a gimmick to attract crowds but a way that he shared his love and compassion for others.
He was not limited to only the sick, but also those who were ill-healthed or suffering from the effects of evil spirits (Mk. 9:12; 10:8-9).
The Gospels tell numerous healing stories, demonstrating that Jesus' ministry was focused on this aspect of his teaching and preaching. These miracles are presented in a number of different sources, including Q, Mark, Matthew, Luke and Acts.
3. He was a prophet
A prophet is someone who delivers messages from the divine to humans, including occasionally foretelling future events.
The Bible tells us that God called a number of prophets, including Moses, Isaiah and Jeremiah. The prophets were sent to convey God’s message to their people, but they also sometimes gave signs that would compel their hearers to believe.
Jesus was a prophet in many ways, and he performed miracles to help people. He also performed these miracles to point people to his unique authority as a teacher, healer and miracle worker.
4. He was a miracle worker
Jesus performed miracles, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind and raising the dead. He also taught people to pray and trust in the Lord.
He healed many different kinds of sicknesses and diseases, including demon possession, epileptic seizures and paralysis. Mark explains that this was due to the power of God.
5. He was a good man
In the Bible, Jesus is described as a good man who was a friend of the poor and oppressed. He showed love to the people of his time by helping the sick, feeding the hungry, healing the blind and raising the dead.
These deeds were believed by his contemporaries to be miraculous. This made him a renowned healer and a hero for the people.
6. He was a good teacher
Jesus taught the Word of God wherever he went. He drew crowds in the temple (Matt 26:55; Mark 1117), in synagogues (Matt 4:23; Luke 4:15), in houses (Mark 7:17-18; 9:28), from a boat (Luke 5:3), on the hillside (Matt 5:1-2), at a well (John 4:7-30), at table (Luke 7:36-50), on the road (Luke 24:13-32), and by the shore (Mark 2:13; 4:1).
Jesus’s teaching was interactive and dynamic, speaking into both the practicalities of everyday life and into cosmic, eternal issues. He used questions, discussions, proverbs, symbolic actions, parables, and miracles to make his message clear and relevant.
7. He was a good leader
Jesus was a good leader because he understood what it meant to lead. He knew how to challenge people and make demands of them without being condescending or soft on them.
He did this because he believed in them and their possibilities for growth and achievement. He trusted them enough to give them important and specific tasks for development that would stretch their souls in new ways.
This is a big difference from many secular leaders, who often have no such beliefs and who seek to control people instead of helping them grow. They are manipulative and narcissistic.
8. He was a good friend
One of the best ways that Jesus showed His love to us is through His friendship. He took the time to get to know each of His friends, which grew trust and sincerity within them (Luke 10:28-42).
When it came to choosing those closest to Him, He went out of his way to pick ones that were right for His purposes. This was not because these people were better than others, but because He knew what lay ahead for them in the future.
Jesus was also a good friend because He was always encouraging His friends in Truth. He modeled this by sharing the Word of God with them and by encouraging them to hold on to it as their anchor in times of doubt and trouble.
9. He was a good parent
Jesus’ early life was no different than the average boy in that he helped his parents with chores and grew up as a dutiful son and brother. He also probably had a part time job as a carpenter to support his family and earn some extra cash.
He may not have had an exceptional personality or talent, but he was very good at things that were important to his family and his faith. He had the right attitude, the ability to serve others, and a willingness to forgive. He was also a very good parent, demonstrating what it means to be a true leader.
10. He was a good friend
To be a friend of Jesus is to share and bear the intimate knowledge of God’s love for the world. It’s an immense joy but also a terrible burden.
He loved men sincerely and manifested genuine sympathy in their distress. He was clever in detecting human longings, yet he never indulged in pity or self-pity.
He kept a group of friends by his side throughout his ministry. He had Simon Peter and Andrew his brother (Matthew 4:18; Luke 6:20), James and John, sons of Zebedee, Philip, Nathanael, Bartholomew, Thomas, Judas Iscariot, and others.
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