Eventually, "life," as a location, may definitely not be the composite imagined and skilled by an adult adult. Consequently, the writer must realize the entire world from the kid perspective-that is, what are their issues, worries, and motivations? How can they talk? That "study phase" of a guide may involve contact with youngsters, such as the author's possess, his teenager's buddies, or through substantial small person literature examining therefore he is able to body their measures, tendencies, and expressions. Bách hợp A 50-year-old, as an example, might be concerned together with his taxes. A 16-year-old will be more focused on her parent's permission to go to a party on Friday night and what her curfew may be. YOUNG ADULT THEMES: Before an author conceives a plot, she must decide what he desires to present through his story-that is, what is his message and what does he seek to show through his characters and their activities? Since small person...
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