Since auto insurance can differ from province-to-province, state-to-state and country-to-country, we've decided to clear up the main differences with this basic rundown of the mandatory policies of the largest countries.
In Australia, Compulsory Third Party vehicle insurance is a mandatory requirement throughout most of the country. This type of car insurance usually only covers personal injury liability and comprehensive coverage is sold separately and can cover everything Getting car insurance in Québec else a person may want for their car insurance.
Basic auto insurance is mandatory throughout Canada, but each province chooses which benefits are included in mandatory insurance and which benefits can be found with additional coverage. The provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec provide a public vehicle insurance system while in the rest of the country insurance is available privately. All Canadian provinces have some sort of no fault insurance available to accident victims. The only difference between provinces is how much "no fault" is emphasized.
In Germany, car insurance is available through several private insurers. It is compulsory for every owner to have third party personal insurance before owning a vehicle in any federal state in Germany.
The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled that gender cannot be used by insurers to set auto insurance premiums. This is a controversial law because statistics have found that men drive more kilometers than women and are also in more accidents, but also because this classification breaches the European Unions equality laws. The controversy mostly arises from the insurance companies finally being unable to take advantage of differences in gender.
Most motorists in the UK have to prominently display a vehicle license on their vehicle. This helps to make sure that all motorists have proper insurance, as the valid insurance is needed to obtain the vehicle license. The most basic and minimum level of car insurance available and required for every motorist in the UK is third party only insurance. It covers any liability to third parties, but no other risks.
The regulations and minimum requirements for auto insurance in the United States vary from each state and territory. Though every state has a compulsory minimum car insurance scheme, these schemes are different in each state.
In Ireland, the law requires that all drivers of mechanically propelled vehicles operating through public places have at least third-party car insurance. Drivers also have the option of depositing a sum of money with the High Court to guarantee against claims.
It should be noted that most insurance companies would not offer compensation for war or nuclear peril, vehicle failures or malfunctions and breakages or if the vehicle was used outside of its intended geography. For example: roaming off road with a BMW Mini that has not been upgraded to suit the task would not commonly be covered by car insurance. Being caught in the middle of America's War on Drugs would not be compensated by insurance, either.
If moving to a different country, it would be advisable to look into their car insurance system to determine the best car insurance to suit your needs.
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